Friday, October 9, 2009

Barack Obama - Nobel Peace Prize

I came back home from the office yesterday to the news of Barack Obama being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. I was scarcely recovering from my surprise when I received a message from a colleague "Isn't this the height of stupidity?". This summed this event up pretty well, but there is more to say and I immediately answered with "Indeed, I just heard about it. The Nobel Peace Prize ceased to have any meaning a long time ago. Just think about the fact that Yasser Arafat, a terrorist, got the prize! The Nobel Peace Prize committee is a bunch of lunatics, who have no sense of reality. Obama got nothing and will get nothing from his kow-towing to the thuggish regimes of this world, and the free world will end up being weaker because of his world view, but hey ... he got the Peace Prize.
You are right, this is a bad joke."

Except that it is not a joke ... It is real, unfortunately, and I see this as a pre-emptive move to dissuade Obama from changing his approach to foreign policy after the disastrous results that are sure to come from his current course. This is an attempt at defanging the US.

The Nobel Peace Prize Committee is appointed by the Norwegian Parliament. This is a leftist body that has bought into the new European religions (or pathologies): the belief in supra-national political organizations and multilateral diplomacy as the way to resolve or prevent conflicts, and the belief in the reduction of carbon emissions induced by human activity to fight climate change. The WSJ commented today: "George W. Bush may have retired from American public life, but the Europeans want the Yanks to know they never want to see his likes again. Counting Jimmy Carter in 2002 and Al Gore in 2007, this is the third Nobel Non-Bush Peace Prize".

There are two ways of looking at this news: by this decision, the Nobel Peace Prize Committee has either definitively demonstrated its irrelevance or contributed to weaken the United States.

My hope is that the former is true and that the US will continue to have the resolve to defend the ideals of the free world. I believe that Americans have a better grasp of reality than Europeans do, and that they will send to the White House as soon as they have a chance a new leader, one who would never receive the Peace Prize from this committee. Hopefully, this will happen before irreparable damage is done.

We know from history the bitter harvest of appeasement.

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